Al fresco dining and easy dinner ideas for the BBQ

Spring has arrived at last and the sun is making more of an appearance in the skies overhead.
It has been so lovely to have longer days, hearing more birds chirping in the garden and see the first flowers popping up from bulbs. Everything seems that much better now that the long winter is behind us for another year. And soon, we'll be able to invite friends over to the garden and make those video calls a thing of the past.
Once we do have folk over, the priority will be on easy and delicious food that is ready to serve, so we can focus on catching up and spending time together. We have lots of simple recipes to share with you to ensure you're not stuck in the kitchen, missing out on all the good chat.
Easy outside food to maximise socialising
We always opt for a simple menu when friends come around, after missing out on all the fun on too many occasions! Sure, it's nice to wow people with beautiful platters of food and fancy canapés, but you end up exhausted and realising you didn't get to have a proper conversation with anyone as you were too distracted. So here are a few of our favourite options for al fresco dining with friends:
* Goan Spiced Pulled Pork - grab some rolls and fill them with this tender pork
* Tandoori Masala Chicken Skewers - marinade ahead, then grill or BBQ before serving
* BBQ Grilled Spiced Cauliflower - a really lovely and filling veggie option
* Gently Spiced Carrot Salad - a great salad to use as a side or to add to your pork roll
The heat is on - let's start a fire!
Have you delved into the world of fire pits yet? Lots of places have sold out online but, if you can get your hands on one, it's an investment worth making. We used ours throughout this winter with different barbecue recipes, even firing it up to warm ourselves on Christmas Day while having an indulgent hot chocolate and smoked salmon bagel. Head to our collection of BBQ recipes for some inspiration.
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